Alyssa & Matthew

Get to know Alyssa:

My name is Alyssa and I have been on a journey of self discovery and embracing who I am and who I love for a number of years. I identify as queer and polyamorous.

I grew up believing that being queer wasn’t ok, and it took a lot to move past the shame and guilt that were part of my upbringing. I decided to put my name forward for this project because I want others to know that they aren’t alone. And that it is okay to embrace who you are, no matter where you are at in life.

I am so thankful for others who have helped me feel safe and loved as I navigate accepting myself and finding friends and chosen family that see me for who I am.

Get to know Matthew:

My name is Matthew and I am a queer Two-Spirit person of First Nations decent. My pronouns are he/they and I have been on a journey of self-discovery over the last 4-5 years that has led me to reconnect with my heritage and explore my gender expression. Along the way, I have been able to heal from generational and emotional trauma while gaining access to a much more vibrant landscape of personal enrichment which has allowed me to seek and build connections with people and communities that value authenticity in myself and those I hold dear. I did not expect to be a part of this exhibit. I came to support my partner as she continues down her own path of self-discovery and I am honoured to be a part of both. I consider myself a guest in this community and am humbled to be given the opportunity to contribute to this extraordinary cause.



